a lot is happening and we are writing about it. read, comment & share ...


Beards. I never really know how to go about them. I see how different it changes appearances (for the better, that's for sure) but I[…]


Growing up with, our primary school was big on books. We grew up reading Pacesetters and graduated to full-blown novels in high school. Now we[…]


Haya! My sister starts singing for my mom and my dad joins her. The horror! I had managed to get back up and sit on[…]


I think it is important that men get that mushy mushy kind of love, that constant attention and that reminder that the love being given[…]

do me a favour …

You don't owe me anything and I will never expect anything from you, but do me a favour; don't forget me.

understanding science

As I took my hand out of my mouth, for a split second I looked at her ... Really looked at her. She had a[…]

good at being horrible

Just so you know, I would not re-post it, because I probably will always give a fuck, just not in the same way.

I Hope You’re Getting Paid for Testing My Patience

I will learn to let things go and focus on what is more important, because honestly, I am not getting paid for that which is

Less words, more tears

I order in and cry as I eat, then after a few bites I’m like, this is truly finger licking good, huh? And press play[…]

I need a whiteboard, I mean …!

This reminds me, I didn't even want a computer back when I was getting into campus but leave it to my dad to promote local[…]