I order in and cry as I eat, then after a few bites I’m like, this is truly finger licking good, huh? And press play[…]
This reminds me, I didn't even want a computer back when I was getting into campus but leave it to my dad to promote local[…]
I had to do what I do best, go silent. In the privacy of the moments I had alone, I grieved because I was deeply[…]
I have learnt that my voice is a powerful tool and that while some situations require my fierce persona, some require that calm and centered[…]
Article 2 (5) and (6) have nothing or of little significance to do with the monist-dualist categorization. Most importantly, it DOES NOT transform Kenya from[…]
Yes you can yell at me later, I yelled at me too. On a Sunday afternoon, I sat down and did what I do when[…]
[...] my name could be the very thing that defines me, the thing that gives me purpose, the thing I draw my strength from and[…]
Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable; sustainable development having the meaning of development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising[…]