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I am in my apartment tonight, its past 7 p.m. and just minutes to my bedtime. However, I feel great tonight, tired, but great. I spent the weekend with my folks and I loved every bit of it. I am still mummy’s little girl and daddy’s little princess. I cough once and these sweet people will make a drive to see me … ah crap. I can’t even complete that statement. These Kenyan folks are tough as balls, but that is a discussion for another day.

My folks live an hour’s drive from my place. I lived further away while I was doing my Bar exams. Y’all, the stories you read and hear out there about the big bad monster … all true. Every bit of it. It got so bad one time my folks passed by for a quick lunch the other day and decided that I had become thin enough. They whisked me back home, as if feeding for one day would bring back my ‘healthy’ weight. Honestly I did not look that awful, but trust any Kenyan to exaggerate. However, I took it seriously when my father actually requested me to come home with them. My father is not imposing, and as sweet as he is tough, I complied. Now that all of that is behind me, they have reported a healthy glow and a smile that lights up my face.

And here we go again with me drifting away from the actual reason I sat up past my bedtime. [Rolls my eyes] If we ever meet in person and I happen to tell you a story, just expect three more because for the love of all that is holy, I find it extremely difficult to focus and stay on topic. Back to this weekend, I was home and as usual, I saw some few items in my father’s house that I thought would look better in my apartment. To begin with, I think it is better to just call it my mother’s house because even though my old man lives there, I do not think he knows where anything is. Of course this is with the exception of the TV and the car. That aside, I made a mental note of the extra cups I saw lying around, the fluffy mat I thought would look amazing by the bathroom door and of course, the heavenly hearse avocados from our little shamba up the hills. However, after tapping into my persuasion skills, I was able to add to that list, among other things, a decade old Blender and Toaster. I am quite proud of the items that are now comfortably sitting on my kitchen counter. Sadly, I failed to grab the beautiful bathroom mat because I was busy excitedly explaining to my old man how we were honoured to meet and have discussions with a Court of Appeal judge. Another time perhaps.


After my mom dropped me off this afternoon (yes, I refused to take a matatu because nitadandia aje matatu all week while going to work and dandia one again over the weekend? Heh! Can never be me! Mimi ni baby girl please) and before I got back to some reading, I went through my phone and saw the image. This has got to be my all time favourite photo. In fact, this is the reason I fell in love with giraffes. Obviously my boyfriend had no clue about it until recently when he decided that we should spend a whole day at the park. Now, before I get all excited about the park, let me just be clear and state that I have been to the park before. Hold it Jonathan, yes, the clarification was quite necessary because I got giddy when I saw the beautiful creatures up close, you have no idea. Honestly speaking, I just hope he didn’t think I was a little crazy.

This photo has to be the funniest one I have ever seen, the most interesting and quite frankly, the most ‘meme-able’ one yet. I can think of a million things that caption this quite well, but I can’t help but imagine what these two giraffes were up to when the photographer caught this on camera. They have to be a couple, just look at them! Perhaps one is the more outgoing one, and the other is just in love but quite fed up with the partner’s bullshit! Haha! Alright, I admit it, there is absolutely nothing of value I sought to share by writing tonight. In fact, the very inspiration of this random article is this image. I have had it for quite some time, but the reason I found it particularly funny is because I kept asking for a gift from my boyfriend. I didn’t quite want a gift and there was no reason why I felt that I wanted one. I just wanted to annoy this man.

Now that you have some context as to which giraffe represents who between my boyfriend and I, let me share a little background to it:

My baby had to go to work somewhere along the Coast for close to two weeks. Before that, he had a different assignment that was out of town as well. Now, I have absolutely no idea why I decided that asking for a gift simply because ‘I had not seen him for quite some time and therefore deserved something cute’ was the best way to piss him off, but it worked amazingly well. For the lawyers in the room, think of it as emotional damages, or perhaps pain and suffering. No? Too much? Okay, emotional damages it is then. I meet this man a few days ago and immediately ask for my gift, and I swear that “the pissed giraffe” [I am calling him that] was the face he made. Matter of fact, I am pretty sure that that was the face he made every time I called specifically asking for it, and not even finding out how his day went. But hey, how else was he supposed to miss me? Justified, right? Besides, how could he stay mad at that face? [Wink]


3 a.m. Thoughts


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